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  • 英文名:上海彩虹室内合唱团
  • 性别:组合
  • 类别:
  • 生日:2010-01-01
  • 简介:上海彩虹室内合唱团成立于2010年,最初由上海音乐学院指挥系学生自发组织成立,后逐渐吸收社会各界的合唱爱好者,发展为一个充满活力、快速成长、富有探索精神的青年音乐团体。合唱团现任艺术总监为青年指挥家、作曲家金承志先生,团员则由来自各个领域富有音乐学习经验的合唱爱好者组成,包括高校在校生、教师、职员、程序员、设计师、会计、美食博主等,是一个具有较高演唱水准的青年合唱团体。 上海彩虹室内合唱团致力于对不同时期、风格音乐作品的扩展,并与不同的作曲家及指挥合作,实践大量新作品。合唱团涉及的作品既包括文艺复兴时期、古典及浪漫主义时期作品,也探讨现当代合唱作品,奉献过诸多新作品的国内首演甚至全球首演,同时也在风格上也对民族、爵士等作品有所尝试,并且保持着一年两轮高水平专场音乐会的巡演的演出频率。近年来,合唱团首演了艺术总监金承志先生为该团量身打造的多首中国现代合唱作品,在网络及乐坛引起了巨大的反响。 上海彩虹室内合唱团始终追求「造化随顺,风雅之诚」的合唱艺术境界,意在呈现合唱作品本身独有的艺术魅力。 Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers (RCS) was founded in 2010 by students of Conducting Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Later, it attracted chorus fans from different aspects of the society, growing to be an active and vigorous young music group with exploration spirit. Developing with its artistic director Mr. Jin Chengzhi, a youth conductor and composer, and its members, experienced chorus lovers including high school students, practitioners of various trades. RCS now is an youth choir with high level of singing. RCS, is committed to accessing to musical works of different periods and styles. It has been cooperating with different composers and conductors to interpret many new works. Works performed by the choir range from the Renaissance, Classical and Romantic periods, as well as contemporary choral works. RCS premiered of many new works domestically even globally and it maintains a high level of performance with two concerts a year. In recent years, RCS has also performed some contemporary Chinese choral works composed by Mr. Jin, which got highly approved among the Internet and Music Scene. Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers has been always intending to present choral works with their own original and unique artistic charm.
  • 上海彩虹室内合唱团-歌曲伴奏

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