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  • 英文名:TheFatRat
  • 性别:男
  • 类别:
  • 生日:1979-06-01
  • 简介:TheFatRat(德语:Christian Friedrich Johannes Büttner),较广为人知的是其艺名胖鼠(TheFatRat),德国电子音乐制作人、DJ与音乐家,他的音乐风格常被形容为“毛刺音乐”,同时他也是该风格的代表人物之一。胖鼠以他2014年的歌曲《Unity》和2016年的专辑《头奖(Jackpot)》而闻名,前者在视频平台有超过9000万的点击数,后者则曾位居告示牌舞曲/电音专辑榜的23位。截至2017年12月,他的频道已有超过200万订阅数和4亿观看次数。布特纳早于2001年便以自己的名义发行音乐作品,之后他开始为电视节目、广播和广告制作背景音乐。“胖鼠”的名字来自于他的学校时期,当时布特纳较其他男同学矮,因此遭到霸凌。为了防卫自己,他开始学功夫,之后便有人叫他老鼠(The Rat)。布特纳在开始玩线上游戏时也采用该绰号,并在该绰号中间加上“胖”(Fat)字。2011年7月,他首次使用“胖鼠”的名义发行音乐,并发行其第一张迷你专辑《做就是了》(Do Be Do Be Do)。布特纳的音乐在YouTube上颇受欢迎,且已被用在超过150万部影片内,其中一些歌曲会与劳拉·布莱汉姆(Laura Brehm)合作。他的单曲《Unity》亦被包含在Twitch.tv上第三多订阅的实况主汤姆·卡塞尔的专辑内。2016年11月,布特纳在环球唱片的旗下发行其第二张迷你专辑《头奖(Jackpot)》。该专辑位居告示牌舞曲/电音专辑榜的23位。2016年12月,他与环球唱片合作创立唱片公司“The Arcadium”。2017年6月,布特纳与女音乐家合作推出单曲《飞向远方》。三个月后,他再与另一位女歌手劳拉·布兰克合作发布歌曲《湮没无闻(Oblivion)》。布特纳现时签约的公司为环球唱片旗下的卡萨布兰卡唱片。 TheFatRat calls the internet his home - a nation of all colors, of young and old, of gamers and creatives, of geeks and cool kids, and certainly a nation abundant with trolls… It’s this massive and diverse group of people, his core fanbase, that have pushed TheFatRat immensely over the years, reaching a fever pitch this year. He’s found his way into the industry’s spotlight catching high praise from key influencers and press for his sound which Billboard Magazine has coined as “Wildly energetic and genre-bending electro”. He has become one of the most top-charting acts in dance music, having had multiple singles remain in the iTunes top100 for over 3 years straight. He has had his music synched-to-screen for popular video games like the top-grossing DOTA 2 and Rocket League, for advertising giants like Coca-Cola, and he has planted himself as the go-to artist for ESports brands like ESL and Dreamhack. Most-importantly, the artist’s forward-thinking approach to lift copyright restrictions on his music has led to him having been featured in 25 million videos from a range of different content creators - collectively accounting for over 30 billion unique views on the platform. Even music industry veteran Bob Lefsetz took note in his influential newsletter that “[TheFatRat represents] the power of YouTube and the power of Electronic Music.” Currently boasting one of the largest followings and most engaging fan-bases on the web for an artist in his genre accounting for 8 million fans worldwide, over 4.7 million followers on YouTube and high engagement rates with 1.5 billion streams on YouTube and Spotify. TheFatRat is also running a new imprint called The Arcadium that houses a whole range of artists hand-picked by TheFatRat whose sole quest is to consistently feed the fanbase TheFatRat grows day-by-day
  • TheFatRat-歌曲伴奏

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