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Jeremy Zucker

Jeremy Zucker

  • 英文名:Jeremy Zucker
  • 性别:男
  • 类别:
  • 生日:1996-03-03
  • 简介:Jeremy Zucker,出生于1996年3月3日,来自美国新泽西州的流行创作歌手、制作人。 2015年,以独立艺人身份发行了首张个人EP 'Beach Island'。之后又接连发行'Breathe'和'Motions'两张EP,获得了不小名气。2017年,他与Republic Records进行了签约并迅速发行了两张名为'idle'和'stripped.'的EP。其中与歌手blackbear合作的单曲'talk is overrated'成为他的突破性单曲。2018年,Jeremy发行了两张EP 'glisten'以及'summer,',其中的单曲'comethru'成为他个人最火爆的单曲,Spotify播放量近3亿,现已认证金唱片。2019年与Chelsea Cutler合作发行了EP 'brent'。2020年2月,他接连发行了'always, i'll care'以及'not ur friend'两首先行单曲,并宣布将在今年春天发行自己的首张专辑'love is not dying'。 This past Spring, Jeremy Zucker released his intensely personal debut album love is not dying, and while it was met with critical acclaim, a valuable piece to the puzzle was missing. The pandemic hit and he was unable to tour. “It was an interesting experience to not be able to witness the response of the album firsthand,” the 24-year-old singer/songwriter/producer admits, “so I didn’t get the closure that I normally get from projects, where I get to tour after I release the project.” Described by critics as “the perfect breakup album,” it inadvertently served to have Jeremy break up with one part of his life and now focus on a new one. “I had to take a step back and realize it’s not the end of the world and so I had to wipe the slate clean from my mind and move on from that era sooner than I thought I would,” he explains. The release of his new single “supercuts” sets an entirely different tone to Jeremy Zucker’s work, where poignancy and whimsy join forces to create a perfect Summertime vibe. Jeremy Zucker first wowed the world with his 2018 breakout single, “comethru,” where he was in his home state of New Jersey in his childhood bedroom. In a contemplative space, Zucker would craft a song that would ultimately change his life, despite already landing a recording contract with Republic Records and selling over 500,000 singles the year prior. That was two years ago, and during that time Zucker would tour the world and release groundbreaking projects. Prior to “comethru,” Zucker was a streaming music fixture, galvanizing a significant fan base while still within the halls of Colorado College. A handful of EP’s, including 2015’s beach island and breathe and 2017’s motions, were the catalyst. After signing to Republic Records in 2017 during his senior year of college, he hit the ground running with two more EP’s, idle and glisten, which featured viral hits “talk is overrated” and “all the kids are depressed.” In the Fall of 2018, he released his final EP, summer, which included the Platinum Certified “comethru.” The song would go on to secure over 1.2 billion global streams and over 255 million video views, while Zucker simultaneously sold out stages across North America, Europe and Southeast Asia throughout the next year on his headlining world tour. At the top of 2019, he linked with Chelsea Cutler and brent was released, landing both of them on stage at Today Show. The project’s single “you were good to me” is Certified Gold with over 170 million streams on Spotify. It catapulted their collective notoriety, though Zucker had a strong foundation already solidified. That’s when the creative fodder flooded in. “I basically stayed in New York that summer and worked on a bunch of songs,” Zucker recalls. “I toured Asia and worked on some songs, came home and finished the album. It was a mish-mosh of touring, being out on the road and writing, taking writing trips in between.” With love it not dying, Jeremy was settling into his new Brooklyn life, living on the edge of Manhattan, which to many is the center of the universe. “I felt like my life was just about perfect,” he adds, though something massive was missing. “The only other thing that would make it perfect was having a functional and stable relationship. It was never fully realized; I was always on the edge of that. I had this almost fantasy in my head of having my life sorted out in Brooklyn.” The crux of the project harnessed those emotions to various degrees and made them into songs, therapeutically expressing those life-altering experiences through his music. “It was the foundation of everything I’d done up until this point.” “supercuts” is not as anecdotal, though the song’s premise remains in line with Jeremy Zucker’s knack for creating realistically beautiful music. “It’s a two-sided song,” he says, “about being afraid of going down that road in a relationship with someone, for fear of ****ing it up, while knowing that you’re gonna end up stuck in this suburban normalcy. It’s almost like this fear of growing up and ending up in the same town you grew up in.” The line, “I don’t wanna make your momma cry at dinner, and see her at the mall next winter at Supercuts; she hates my guts,” sums it all up. There are still personal parts to the song, as Jeremy had his friends sing background vocals. “I actually wrote ‘supercuts’ about a year ago in Sweden with Max Martin’s camp,” he adds, “so it’s a song that I’ve been sitting on for a while and waiting for the right time.” Now is the time, as the feel-good track will set a new tone for the next iteration of Jeremy Zucker’s career, whatever that may be. While he still plans to tour love is not dying, the focus now is making more music and writing his new chapter. “The past couple of months have been about looking forward, thinking, planning and trying to figure out what kind of artist I want to be next and what I want my life and career to look like when this pandemic is over,” he says. “I’m trying to outdo myself the next time around.”
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