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DJ Khaled

DJ Khaled

  • 英文名:DJ Khaled
  • 性别:男
  • 类别:
  • 生日:1975-11-26
  • 简介:Born in Algeria but now based in France, Khaled is known as the king of rai. He was born Khaled Hadj Brahim in 1960 in Sidi-El-Houri. Along with Egyptian, Spanish and French music influences, Khaled also listened to the Beatles and James Brown as a child. After learning to sing and play accordion, he left school at age 16 to record his first single. With a blend of funk, reggae and Arabic music, Khaled soon pioneered the transformation of rai from a local style to worldwide popularity
  • DJ Khaled-歌曲伴奏

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