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Grupo Frontera

Grupo Frontera

  • 英文名:Grupo Frontera
  • 性别:男
  • 类别:
  • 生日:
  • 简介:From the South Texas valley, Grupo Frontera is a six-member Regional Mexican group that is taking the world by storm. Long-time friends Adelaido Solís, Julian Peña Jr., Alberto Acosta, Carlos Zamora, Carlos Guerrero and Juan Javier Cantu make up Grupo Frontera, and their success is due in large part to their chemistry, collaborative spirit and creativity. The six individuals formally launched their career together in February 2022 and quickly skyrocketed to stardom with their viral cover of “No Se Va.” Ever since, Grupo Frontera has experienced a meteoric rise due to their authenticity and commitment to excellence.
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