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Roberto Carlos

Roberto Carlos

  • 英文名:Roberto Carlos
  • 性别:男
  • 类别:
  • 生日:1941-04-19
  • 简介:Roberto Carlos initiated a major revolution of customs in Brazil in the 60s. Reaching success in a period coinciding with the youth movement started by the Beatles that was taking over the world, Carlos was the leader of Jovem Guarda. He led the TV show that became a generic denomination of a musical style and what was a definitive change of face to the Brazilian phonographic market and of the very art of marketing itself (with the advent of an aggressive merchandising of the JGs top figures, including films, clothes, etc.), encompassing deep behavioral/gestual/language influences widespread through his entire generation. His light music, derived from British pop, and his (and his partners Erasmo Carlos) lyrics (happy, humorous, and full of fashionable youth slang and naïve though unexpectedly sexual) were deeply contrasting to the serious MPB, with its somber images and protest songs. After all, Brazil was living in a dark period of the military dictatorship, or the years of lead as they became known.
  • Roberto Carlos-歌曲伴奏

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