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Sophie Rose

Sophie Rose

  • 英文名:Sophie Rose
  • 性别:女
  • 类别:
  • 生日:
  • 简介:出生于洛杉矶,现在纳什维尔发展的乡村女歌手。代表作《Limitless》 Sophie Rose was born in Los Angeles on Christmas Day, 1999. She has lived in the equestrian community of Hidden Hills since she was two years old. So, although she’s from LA, she is a country girl at heart. Sophie has been singing almost as long as she has been talking. When she was younger, Sophie admired artists such as Britney Spears, The Cheetah Girls and Miley Cyrus. Then, when she was 8 years old, Sophie discovered country music. She is especially fond of Rascal Flatts, Blake Shelton, Miranda Lambert and, of course, Taylor Swift. Taylor was her inspiration! Sophie began taking guitar lessons from Nils, the acclaimed guitarist/producer, in the summer of 2009. She also began writing songs in earnest – often spending long hours locked in her room writing. Sophie recorded her first CD this summer in Nashville at Sound Stage Studio. The CD was produced by Steve Dorff and Engineered by John Guess. Sophie wrote (or co-wrote) 8 of the 10 songs. The other 2 songs,
  • Sophie Rose-歌曲伴奏

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