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Lidia Grychtolowna

Lidia Grychtolowna

  • 英文名:Lidia Grychtolowna
  • 性别:女
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  • 简介:Lidia Grychtołówna (born in Rybnik, 1928) is a Polish pianist. In 1955 she was awarded the International Frédéric Chopin Piano Competition's 7th prize,[1] and one year later she shared the 3rd prize of the inaugural edition of the Robert Schumann Competition with Mikhail Voskresensky.[2] She subsequently performed throughout the world, and held a professorship at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. She served as a juror at the Chopin Competition's X, XI and XIII editions.[3] Grychtołówna has been decorated the Gold Medal of the City of Milan.
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